  • Operating for over 40 years

Our Commitment

By leveraging our suppliers backing and support we are able to provide total fleet management to small to large companies. We are one of only a handful of dealers in Australia that hold substantial amounts of machines and parts in stock, we do this to provide the best service possible. We keep all service vehicles stocked with a comprehensive range of parts for all machine types and in the event that we do not have a required part in stock, it will be ordered immediately.

We utilise the latest software and solutions to ensure that we efficiently monitor and react to any faults and automate the dispatch of consumables before they are required. Our state of the art ticket tracking and ordering system keeps us efficient and in control.

We enjoy a strong relationship with our various suppliers. Their backing and commitment to us ensures that we can support businesses small and large efficiently and our huge inventory of multifunction units, parts and consumables translates into fast, professional service. All of our offerings are designed, sold, serviced and supported in a way that is professional and beneficial to our clients.

Keeping abreast of the latest technology, the cost saving and efficiency benefits and the design of solutions will continue to be a core focus. We are passionate about our business and its success and we will continue to invest in our staff and our business as whole to ensure its stable growth well into the future.